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Nagisa에게 반야심경 족자를 증정

by 동파 2011. 10. 21.







Nagisa(渚)에게 대학무난합격발원을 축원하면서

매일 108배를 하고 반야심경을 사경하여 일본에 있는

나기사에게 보냈다.

Nagisa의 지난번 메일

Dongpa Ajussi, I'm sorry can not make e-mail easily. Before this,
I sent an email with a video from my PC, I like have not received the email.
I'm too busy to study since becoming a senior in high school,
decided to go to university to do its best to go to Korea.
South Korea's previous stay in this fun,
I was glad to become acquainted both uncles.
 The tears came out to see my uncle sent me pictures.
I have pictures put on Facebook, so please look.
I stady hard now, I'll try to go to Korea.
But don't go to Korea this year,
make sure you are finished go to college entrance exam.
 Thank you very much.




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